Eversheds Sutherland Tax Reform Law Blog
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OIRA Receives Section 267A Regulations for Review

The IRS on November 13th submitted its proposed section 267A anti-hybrid regulations to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for expedited review. Section 267A of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, eliminates deductions for any “disqualified related party amount” paid or accrued through a related hybrid entity or transaction. The regulations are expected to address such issues as...

Single Entity Can Apply 199A De Minimis Rule Multiple Times, According to IRS Official

Speaking at the American Institute of CPAs Fall Tax Division Meeting in Washington, D.C. on November 14, IRS associate chief counsel Holly Porter stated that the section 199A de minimis test applied to identify specified service businesses could apply multiple times for the same entity if separate businesses are being operated.  Enacted by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), section 199A...

IRS to Consider Changing Section 199A Aggregation Rules Based on Comments

IRS official Benjamin Weaver stated that the IRS is open to changing the aggregation rules set forth in the proposed section 199A pass-through deduction regulations since they are not “statutorily derived.” Weaver stated that the IRS has received numerous comments on the proposed regulations, particularly on the requirement that attributes of multiple businesses be aggregated at the...

IRS Releases Priority Guidance Plan for 2018-2019

On November 8, the IRS and Treasury Department released their priority guidance plan (PGP) for 2018-2019, which includes a number of projects concerning the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Planned projects include finalizing regulations under sections 199A (the 20% deduction for qualifying business income) and 951A (global intangible low-taxed income) and issuing...

BEAT Regulations submitted to OMB

The IRS has submitted its proposed base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT) regulations to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for review.  Under section 59A of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the BEAT is an alternative minimum tax on income with deductions for payments between U.S. corporations and their foreign affiliates added back, which is designed to limit shifting of...

OMB Receives Proposed Foreign Tax Credit Regs for Review

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) received proposed foreign tax regulations for review on November 7. The regulations include guidance on allocation of expenses to the section 951A Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) basket for purposes of determining the foreign tax credit limitation, as well as transition rules for excess foreign tax credit carryforwards. The...

OIRA Receives Proposed Section 163(j) Regulations for Review

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) received draft proposed regulations under section 163(j), addressing the limitation on business interest deductions, on October 25, according to the Office of Management and Budget’s website. As amended by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), section 163(j) generally limits business interest expense deductions to the sum of business...

IRS Releases Opportunity Zone Guidance

On October 19, 2018, the IRS released proposed regulations (REG-115420-18) concerning opportunity zones (sections 1400Z-1 and 1400Z-2). Opportunity zones were created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and allow tax benefits for investments in low-income communities, through what are termed qualified opportunity funds. Among other items, the proposed regulations provide taxpayers with...

Proposed Foreign Tax Credit and Section 163(j) Regulations to be sent to OIRA

On October 18, 2018, Lafayette G. Harter III, the deputy assistant secretary for international tax affairs for the Department of Treasury, announced that the proposed regulations focusing on foreign tax credits under section 904 are likely to be sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for review on October 19 or the following week. Harter also announced that...

Treasury Confirms Issuance of Transition Tax Regulations by the End of the Year

Brenda Zendt, special adviser to the Treasury Office of International Tax Counsel, corroborated a prior report that the Treasury Department intends to issue final Section 965 regulations by the end of 2018. Treasury deputy assistant secretary for international tax affairs, Chip Harter, previously commented on the deadline while discussing Treasury’s goal to issue proposed regulations,...

IRS Provides Interim Guidance on Expenses for Business Meals

The Treasury Department and IRS issued Notice 2018-76, offering interim guidance under section 274 of the Code. The guidance provides that taxpayers may treat certain business meal expenses as non-entertainment and may continue to deduct 50 percent of food and beverage expenses associated with operating their business or trade, so long as the expenses are not extravagant and the...

House Approves Three New Tax Bills

On September 27, 2018, the House approved two bills that are part of a second package of tax law changes advanced by House Republicans (“Tax Reform 2.0”). The first bill would create universal savings accounts, expand the utility of section 529 education savings plans, and make the offering of employee retirement plans more accessible for small businesses. The second bill would provide...

Tax Reform 2.0 Will Likely Not Be Passed By Congress Before Midterms

House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady recently stated that the three tax bills that together comprise the new tax reform package will likely not get through the Senate before midterm elections. The House Ways and Means Committee previously passed the bills through committee. The House is expected to vote the legislation later this month. Read More: Top House tax writer Kevin...

IRS Releases Draft Forms for Transition Tax and BEAT Reporting

The IRS released draft forms for reporting a taxpayer’s section 965 transition tax and section 59A base erosion and anti-abuse tax liabilities. The forms, titled Form 965 (“Inclusion of Deferred Foreign Income Upon Transition to Participation Exemption System”) and Form 8991 (“Tax on Base Erosion Payments of Taxpayers With Substantial Gross Receipts”), respectively, can be found on the...

Draft of Tax Reform 2.0 Introduced in Congress

House of Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady recently highlighted the introduction of three new tax bills that together comprise the new tax reform package. The drafts of new tax legislation deal primarily with individuals, retirement savings, and small businesses. H.R. 6760, the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018, would extend the 20 percent deduction on...

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