White House Officials State Willingness to Sacrifice Health Care Provision for the Tax Reform Greater Good
The White House Budget Director, Mick Mulvaney, indicated that the Trump Administration is willing to strike the health care provision in the Senate’s proposed tax legislation repealing the requirement that everyone in the U.S. have health insurance or pay a fine. Striking this provision would leave the Senate $338 billion short of their revenue goal and would require Republican senators to find money elsewhere in order to vote on tax reform with a simple majority vote. Director Mulvaney said that there is no doubt that the White House plans to repeal and replace Obamacare, but “if it becomes an impediment to getting the best tax bill we can, then we’re OK with taking it out.” Legislative director Marc Short also indicated that President Trump was “very comfortable” with the House bill, which does not contain the individual mandate repeal.
Read more: White House open to striking health provision from tax bill